Consultants to Charitable Organizations

Jonathan can broaden the array of services consultants provide to charities and enhance their value.

He is available to make individualized donor presentations with a consultant. He can also interact with the donor's advisors - advisor to advisor - on a potential charitable outright or planned gift. Jonathan can analyze a particular gift proposal and suggest pitfalls and alternatives.

Jonathan can make joint presentations to a group of potential donors (and their advisors), or to staff or board members in order to educate and train these individuals to spot opportunities for a planned gift. He can provide sample planned giving forms for presentation to a donor's advisor. He can also review substantiation guidelines for legal compliance, conduct a legal compliance audit of a planned giving program and work on Gift Acceptance Guidelines and Endowment Policies with the charity's representatives. Learn more at, Jon's governance policy production and implementation process which helps charities and other nonprofit organizations help themselves.

Learn more about why a charity should retain independent legal gift planning counsel.

How Can We Work Together?

This firm works on an hourly basis, a project basis or a retainer basis. This firm will work strategically on a particular project or on an ongoing basis. And we can start slowly and get to know each other in an attempt to develop a long-term relationship.

To learn more, please contact Jonathan.

Additional Reading

Learn more about, Jon's governance policy production and implementation process which helps charities and other nonprofit organizations help themselves.

Learn more about the need to collaborate in planned giving.

Learn more about integrating a charitable gift into a donor's planning.